Corona Virus Treated by Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
"By coordinating the resources of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, we strive to improve the cure rate and reduce fatalities by the greatest possible amount to effectively safeguard the safety and health of the people," Wang said.
About chronic pain
Everyone experiences occasional aches and pains. In fact, sudden pain is an important reaction of the nervous system that helps alert you to possible injury.
Traditional Chinese medicine aids Italy in fighting COVID-19
A nine-member Chinese aid team arrived in Rome on Thursday night as part of China's efforts to contain the novel coronavirus outbreak.
This is the best time to boost your immune system ⚠️
Feeding your body certain foods may help keep your immune system strong. If you're looking for ways to prevent winter colds and the flu, your first step should be a visit to your local grocery store.
10 Natural Laxatives to Help Keep You Regular
If you're looking to achieve regularity, try incorporating some natural laxatives into your routine. They can be a safe and inexpensive alternative to over-the-counter products, with minimal side effects.
5 amazing tips to increase your chances of pregnancy
Uterine (or endometrial) lining thickness is a useful predictor of embryo implantation and pregnancy success. It is measured via ultrasound during cycle monitoring, IUI, IVF, and frozen embryo transfers.